Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Join us on GOOGLE

 World Preaching Network and World preaching Club uses Google services for collaboration and its community of its members.
Google Groups: for group info and your downloads, docs etc
Blogger: our blog on world p[reachingclub.blogspot.com
Google Meet: Video meets/conferences
Google Docs: pfs by brother Paul
Google chat: Member chat

JOIN us by sending me your email, please include your facebook page or website or blog address. Please ALSO  join us below on one of these services.


Facebook: world preaching network
TWITTER: worldpreaching
Whatsapp: world preaching club
Proboards: worldpreachingforum .boards.net

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The Paul B Thomas TOPICAL BIBLE NOTES #104 DOING 'MIGHTY WORKS!' I ask that the eyes of your heart b  may be enlightened, so that yo...