Sunday, August 8, 2021

Welcome To World Preaching Club

 Welcome to World
We are a group of believers in Jesus who share truth for a Jesus revolution.We connect to help each other in ministry and share revelation on key bible topcs to build each others faith.
We aim to do our best work here and provide valuable content that others will find empowering inspiring and faith building
Memebrs have uniqe member priviledges including access to our blogs and websites on - Apostolic Preachers and here on the Prereaching club. where they can promote their work and build a greta community of fellwoship where folks share the same vision mission and passion.
We follow each others blogs and comment and so build great connections
We use blogs to write valuable content.  We have a goal to use this blog and our blog posts to write our first book. or use our material to teach others in a series. So our work here is meaninful. We dont write because we want likes but rather we write becaue we enjoy it and becasue we want to write.
If you want to join us then its by invite only

10 Reasons Why You Should Blog

1. Because Jesus wrote many parables and turned into a book so why not you?
2. Because everyone has a story, why not share yours
3. Because a blog is a good place for folks to find your work
4. Because every-man should share his passion and make shring what he knows his mission
5. Because good teachers teach and good preachers blog
6. Because you want to inspire others
7. Because you want a record of your day, writings, story, teachings.
8. Because you enjoy provokinbg thought and discovering truth
9. Because all leaders are readers
10 Because you want to join the 600 million bloggers online


Doing 'Mighty Works!'

The Paul B Thomas TOPICAL BIBLE NOTES #104 DOING 'MIGHTY WORKS!' I ask that the eyes of your heart b  may be enlightened, so that yo...